Hosting an Usborne Books & More “faceBOOK party” or “house party” is fun and easy. You are generously rewarded with free and discounted books as a thank you for inviting your friends and family to the book party. Each month, I go above and beyond the corporate hostess rewards provided by Usborne Books & More to offer a little “extra” to spoil my fabulous party hosts.
Pssst… if you want to know my monthly party special, just drop me a quick note and I’ll fill you in on this month’s sweet deal.

House Party!
Seems like lately we connect less and less in-person with our friends. A house party is a great excuse to get together with friends and family and check out the quality and feel of the books in-person. We pick a date and maybe even a theme (Books & Brunch, Moms Night Out, Coloring Between the Wines, Morning Playdate). You invite your guests over, set out a few snacks and I bring the books!
faceBOOK Party!
What’s better than a cozy night in learning about books? faceBOOK parties are a great way to virtually party with friends and family all over the country. Most parties are set for 8:30pm in the time zone most of your friends are in. I set up the event and shopping link, you invite your guests, I post in the party for 30-45 minutes and then we shop!