Usborne Books & More offers several fundraising programs to help your organization, cause, or charity meet your goals. Let us help you kick off a fundraiser to create an impact in your community today! I am passionate about ensuring you have a successful fundraiser and am committed to partnering with you to make it happen!
Fundraiser 1
BOOK DRIVES: I love to call these bookraisers! You can help bless an organization, daycare, preschool, etc. with NEW books! I take care of setting up the details. We work together to promote the book drive. Once $250 is earned in donated funds and/or purchases, Usborne Books & More matches the total by 50%! Let’s say your total reaches $1,000. Usborne Books & More will then provide $500 in FREE books! Contact me to find out more and set up your bookraiser!
Fundraiser 2
CARDS FOR A CAUSE: Usborne Books & More offers a unique fundraising opportunity through sales of handcrafted greeting cards for many occasions. Over 40% of the sales benefit the organization!